Saturday, April 09, 2005

Never Enough Alternative Movie Rentals Department

Our house has a NetFlix subscription, which serves us well thus far. Since Thea watches more movies than I do, we have split our rentals so she gets two DVDs for every one I have out. And they do have an extensive selection. But, let's be honest, it's not as extensive as I might hope. Now, living in Seattle, I can always go to Scarecrow Video when I desire, but that's not always very convenient, or inexpensive.

So I'm intrigued by GreenCine, a new service that focuses on alternative movies--indie, foreign, anime, even adult titles--and lets you decide how many DVDs to check out at a time. It's a little more expensive per month than NetFlix at the 3 DVD rate, but considering that they donate a portion of the rental fee to film art organizations nationwide, that hardly bugs me. If NetFlix winds up annoying me too much--or if Thea starts wanting more NetFlix check-outs at once!--I'll consider joining GreenCine to scratch my movie itches.

(Kudos to LifeHacker for noting GreenCine in their blog. Lifehacker is one of my favorite non-political blogs and is always full of useful and/or interesting information. Do check it out--and note it's part of my Blogroll!)

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